Hipac Romania has achieved a significant recognition, joining the ranks of the ten best entrepreneurial companies in Eastern Europe within the prestigious “Imprese Vincenti” initiative promoted by Intesa Sanpaolo.
“Imprese Vincenti” is Intesa Sanpaolo’s program dedicated to promoting Italian SMEs, now in its fifth edition, which selects companies based on indicators related to their contribution to GDP and social impact generated, investments in innovation and research, processes triggered in digital and ecological transition, internationalization and export, generational transition and dimensional consolidation, attention to training and welfare.

For the first time in this edition, an event entirely dedicated to the best companies in Eastern Europe was included. Ten foreign entrepreneurial excellences of Italian origin were the protagonists of the fifteenth stage of this event. Among these, Hipac Romania was awarded for distinguishing itself through its innovation and growth capabilities.
By clicking on the following link you can relive the award ceremony streaming: https://group.intesasanpaolo.com/it/sezione-editoriale/eventi-progetti/tutti-i-progetti/economia/imprese-vincenti